Illustration Friday :: Breezy

Ponéos el abrigo, que el tiempo se avecina ventoso para todos...

Put on your coats, because the weather is coming breezy for everyone...

6 comentarios :

SLW dijo...

I really like the colors you have used for this illustration!

MrBibleHead dijo...

Wow! nice illo! love the colors and his expression. nice work!

Vhrsti dijo...

Put on your coats, because the weather is coming breezy for everyone...

And the hats too! But your colors are so hot...

Great work, really love it!

Anónimo dijo...

Moody, breezy and dramatic! Great color choices, too!

milanrubio dijo...

El otoño, el abrigo, el fresco... Todo chulísimo.

Tomás Serrano dijo...

Estupendo. Parece un tío de Mujercitas al que se le voló el sombrero...